1984 Foreword "fascistic disposition"

Terrance lycidas2 at earthlink.net
Sun May 4 13:04:43 CDT 2003

jbor wrote:
> So, this is the question or aporia posed. In a situation where "dissidence"
> is useless, how does one actually go about opposing or changing a
> totalitarian regime like Hitler's or Stalin's or Saddam's Iraq - from within
> or from outside - without resorting to the same sort of tactics which that
> regime uses? Which is more "moral", to leave a cruel and inhuman regime be
> or to take up arms to defeat it? I'm not sure that either Orwell or Pynchon
> has an adequate answer to that question.

Does Pynchon answer this question at all? Adequately or inadequately?

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