"fascistic disposition" paragraph

jbor jbor at bigpond.com
Thu May 15 02:27:25 CDT 2003

>> "The moment one's homeland comes under air attack"
>> vs. "the moment enemy bombs begin to fall on one's
>> homeland. He would never say it your way. It has no
>> beat, no rhythm, no flow. And it's in passive voice!>>

on 14/5/03 6:34 AM, Malignd at malignd at yahoo.com wrote:
> There's truth to this.  However, if, as you say,
> Pynchon is crafty, he's crafty enough to know that
> bombs falling from the sky is inapt for evoking the
> images burned into our collective skulls on September
> 11.  If terrorism evokes images of bombs, it's bombs
> strapped to people, bombs detonated below bridges,
> hidden beneath vehicles, in suitcases, etc.

I think you're being too generous. The argument that Pynchon would sacrifice
clarity for poetry in making a reference to 9/11 is patently absurd.


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