"fascistic disposition" paragraph

Malignd malignd at yahoo.com
Thu May 15 09:19:00 CDT 2003

<<One might just as well argue that "The Crying of Lot
49" was a rather ham-fisted way of announcing that the
CIA was responsible for the assassination of President
Kennedy. >>

As was argued by Charles Hollander, only one of the
many, many distinguished Pynchon scholars who
correspond with me personally and daily and for whom I
serve as mentor and guiding light, (although I've
asked them never to mention it) but who were driven
from this list (for which I would readily serve as
moderator, although I've never called for a moderated
list, each to his own, I say, good buddy) by the
wiseacre likes of you, Paul Mackin, and some of your
pestilent fellow travelers whom I won't deign here to
name and anyway can't because, in their craven
fashion, they hide (some as far away as Australia)
behind pseudonyms.

Nevertheless, I'll pray for you all as would TRP who
(as he makes eminently clear in his writings (although
I won't take time here to cite)) is a practicing
Christian in the very same subsect in which I worship.


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