Metalist: House of Cards (was1984 Foreword

David Morris fqmorris at
Thu May 15 13:55:10 CDT 2003

--- dedalus204 at wrote:
> That's right.  You're also the guy who determines whether or not someone's
post is "good" based on how frequently s/he posts.

My comment about your frequency of posting here had nothing to do with how
"good" it was.  It was about how OUT OF THE BLUE and ANONYMOUSLY you appear to
defend Doug (by attacking me).  It makes you suspect IMHO.
> And "[...] proven himself to be unsupportable by anyone with any sense" is a 
ridiculous statement.  "Proven" howso?  By whom?  The likes of you?  What's
"sense"?  Again, you?  Laughable.

I guess this is your formal statement of being in the "other" category.

> Obviously, you have no idea what an ass you sound like.

What's obvious is Doug's (and now your) idiocy.

> Carry on, David Morris.  You amuse me.

Don't worry.  I will.

David Morris

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