"Enron is the egregious exception. "

pynchonoid pynchonoid at yahoo.com
Tue May 20 10:46:18 CDT 2003


NYTimes.com > Business 

May 20, 2003

Ethics Lacking in Business School Curriculum, Students
Say in Survey

Ethical conduct in the workplace has become
increasingly important to students at leading business
schools, according to a new survey, but students are
worried that their study programs might teach
questionable values that may later contribute to
mismanagement or corporate fraud.

[...] the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the declining
economy, the conflict-of-interest scandals on Wall
Street and accounting and management fraud at
companies like Enron, Tyco and WorldCom have all been
factors in the increased interest in responsible
behavior by executives toward investors, employees,
the environment and the community.

The study, titled "Where Will They Lead? M.B.A.
Student Attitudes About Business & Society 2003," was
done for the institute via the Internet by Universum
Communications, a consulting and communications
company based in Stockholm that specializes in surveys
of corporations and graduate students. The institute
expected to release the results of the study by today.

Despite a perception among M.B.A. students that ethics
and values are increasingly important in the
workplace, only 22 percent of respondents said their
schools were doing "a lot" to prepare them to handle
workplace conflicts involving mismanagement or fraud. 

[...] One in five respondents did not feel they were
receiving any ethics training. About half said the
messages and priorities taught in M.B.A. programs
might have contributed to the recent scandals. 

[...] About 100,000 students graduate from business
schools in the United States each year, filling the
ranks of corporate America. [...] 


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