Religious Fundamentalism in Orwell and Pynchon

s~Z keithsz at
Fri May 23 19:08:40 CDT 2003

Come on. Take a crack at the specifics of my questions.
You answered neither. They're really good questions.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Monroe" <flavordav at>
To: "s~Z" <keithsz at>; <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2003 1:18 PM
Subject: Re: Religious Fundamentalism in Orwell and Pynchon

Allusion.  Analogy.  Whatever.  Why did he choose that
particular bit of background to emphasize?  At this
time?  In this place (NYC, USA)?  Orwell's situation. 
Pynchon's situation.  Again, it is hardly farfetched
to read that as meant to evoke a similar situation
prevailing at the time of writing, publication.  It'd
be naive to disingenuous for an author to believe that
talk of a repressive gov't response during a time of
crisis wouldn't resonate here, now ...

--- s~Z <keithsz at> wrote:
> So, from your perspective, why did he use the phrase
> bombs falling in an allusion to 9/11?
> And why did he date references to other things circa
> 2003 and use allusion for 9/11?

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