"fascistic disposition" paragraph

s~Z keithsz at concentric.net
Fri May 23 21:45:34 CDT 2003

>>>Of course. But for those of living down the block from Tom, isn't it
reasonable for us to assume that his appoint applies to us here in NYC
post 9-11? Sure it is.<<<

So the point would be?

Some of us fascists and government idealizers would say fuck that Orwell
dude, his thinking was pre-9/11. Now that we've had 9/11 (they'd say) the
rules has changed and we've got to tighten up government controls to keep
everyone safe, and if you go yelling 'fascist' on Broadway you are causing
more harm than good. But I Mr. Pynchon say hey motherfuckers just because
you find Orwell's point unseemly in light of 9/11, it doesn't make it wrong.
Some "could" argue that Bushy and His Patriot Act are fascist.

Is this the point?

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