"Orwellian, dude!"

Dave Monroe flavordav at yahoo.com
Sun May 25 11:17:11 CDT 2003

Those trying to argue with me as if I'm someone else
are simply bugging the hell out of me, and justice be
damned.  But just wait 'til you've got The Dude on
your tail as if you're somehow jbor.  Hoo boy ...

--- Otto <ottosell at yahoo.de> wrote:
> Come on, Dave, there's someone who cannot refrain
> from boring us with his "Bush-slayer of evil-doers,"
> who obviously wants to include us in his anti-Bush
> crusade. But that's not the purpose of the list.

But as you well know, very little is free of politics
here, not to mention politicization, no matter how
loudly it proclaims otherwise.  Especially then ...

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