link to new reality TV show: "Gitmo House"

pynchonoid pynchonoid at
Mon May 26 12:51:33 CDT 2003


see also:


Teens Among Gitmo Detainees
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, April 23, 2003
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. (AP)

(CBS) Three terror suspects 16 years and younger are
being interrogated at the U.S. detention camp in
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the military said Wednesday,
setting off renewed outrage among rights

"Juveniles abused at Guantanamo Bay"

"It is the boy's smile, in any case, that we return
to, direct and radiant, proceeding out of an
unhesitating faith that the world, at the end of the
day, is good, and that human decency, like parental
love, can always be taken for granted--a faith so
honorable that we can almost imagine Orwell, and
perhaps even ourselves, for a moment anyway, swearing
to do whatever must be done to keep it from ever being
--Thomas Pynchon, Foreword to _1984_, pp. xxv-xxvi

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