What Pynchon wrote?

Terrance lycidas2 at earthlink.net
Wed May 28 06:09:52 CDT 2003

Paul Nightingale wrote:
> >
> > What significance do you attribute to P addressing the identity
> > question?
> Haven't I answered this yet? I thought I had. After all, to name is to
> know. To name is to label, and labelling might be a control mechanism,
> in many senses of the word 'control'. But to be effective, the
> name/label has to fit, or appear to, perfectly: the signifier has to
> 'be' the signified. 

But Blair is a proper name. Orwell a pseudonym. And Orwell is an author
name and is thus changeable or as "fluid" as the reading of the text and
so on. 

>Right from the outset, then, P uses the opposition
> Blair/Orwell to challenge that kind of reading. 


When reading the first
> para I notice the juxtaposition of B to O; the significance becomes
> apparent when I read on and see how it fits in with the way he starts to
> describe the novel. 


P addresses the identity qu in all of his work, I
> think, it's one of the characteristics of his work. Which is not to say
> that in particular makes him unique, or that is what makes him unique
> ... simply to say it helps us understand the Foreword as a Pynchon-text.

Sure it does. 

And Tony Blair is not Orwell. ;-)

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