VLVL2 (9): gaijin
Dave Monroe
monrovius at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 15 01:21:59 CST 2003
Okay, am I the only one here who learned most of my
Japanese/Japanica from Chris Claremont-era X-Men
comics and The Scorpions' Tokyo Tapes LP? This of
course was back when anime here meant pretty much
"Speed Racer" (er, "Mach Go Go Go") reruns ...
--- Tim Strzechowski <dedalus204 at comcast.net> wrote:
> Apparently, "gaijin" is a term used to denote a
> foreigner who is living and working in Japan.
> http://www.geocities.com/danchan33/
> So, (and this is totally off the VL subject, but
> after having posted a literal ton of stuff re:
> Japanese culture for this chapter of VL) is it
> *really* all that ridiculous or far-fetched to think
> that Pynchon might have granted an interview to
> Playboy: Japan?
And no, no it isn't, not at all. And thanks again,
Tim, great job, you've not only saved me a lot of
legwork for the forthcoming chapter, but you've set
off and sustained an extraordinarily productive
reading of a novel I suspect many of us have wrongly
neglected lo these past thirteen years or so.
Vineland, like 1984, now more than ever ...
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