VLVL2 (9.5): "Watch the Paranoia, Please!"

Dave Monroe monrobotics at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 24 12:19:28 CST 2003

"Noticing a number of curious looks, he glided out
again into the airport lobby, a centimeter or two
above the actual floor surface, remembering just in
time to zip his fly.
   "At the phone number in Carmine's note turned out
to be Carmine himself.  'Hey, Fumimota-san!'
   "Takeshi started to shiver.  A young woman with
regular features, wearing a draped white gown,
appeared out of the airport crowds, leaned her forearm
on Takeshi's shoulder, whispered, 'Watch the paranoia,
please!' and disappeared again." (VL, Ch. 9, p. 160)

"a centimeter or two above the actual floor surface"

Because "Takeshi had been up for three days" (ibid.)? 
Let me know ...

"At the phone number in Carmine's note"

   "Back at the hotel he found a ticket to SFX tonight
on the red-eye, with a note from Two-Ton Carmine
expressing sympathy for his recent inconvenience
and the hop that once in San Francisco he would
communicate with the enclosed phone number."  (p. 158)




"A young woman with regular features, wearing a draped
white gown"

Guardian angel?  Greek goddess?  Allegorical figure? 
But cf. ...

   "Emerging from a pool the size of a small reservoir
in plaid swim trunks from Brooks Brothers, unable even
at first glance to be mistaken for any of the white
marble statues surrounding it, Ralph Wayvone, Sr.,
caped himself with a towel stole not all that long ago
from the Fairmont ...." (p. 92)


"'Watch the paranoia, please!'"

Indeed ...

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