GR-related: JFK & L.S.D. & conspiracies

Kent Mueller artkm at
Tue Nov 25 22:30:47 CST 2003

But wait. Note that Mary Pinchot Mayer was also the wife of CIA agent Cord Meyer. Pinchot and Pynchon might have a
common ancestor prior to the Norman invasion...


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>From: pynchonoid <pynchonoid at>
>To: Pynchon-L <pynchon-l at>
>Subject: GR-related:  JFK & L.S.D. & conspiracies
>Date: Sat, Nov 22, 2003, 8:32 PM

>the real katharine graham: an interview with deborah
>by Kenn Thomas (kennthomas at - July 22, 2001
>Editor's Note: Kenn Thomas publishes Steamshovel
>Press, the conspiracy theory magazine. Four issue
>subscription: $23; single issue: $6, from POB 23715,
>St. Louis, MO 63121. An anthology of back issues,
>Popular Alienation (Illuminet Press, 1995), is also
>Deborah Davis wrote Katharine the Great, which
>documented the intelligence agency ties of Ben Bradlee
>and Bob Woodward and reported on Phil Graham
>"suiciding" just after publically revealing the
>liaison between JFK and his acid mistress, Mary
>Pinchot Meyer. The late great Kate sued over the book
>and had its entire first print run shredded. Katharine
>Graham is being held up as a role model for women and
>journalists, but the real such person is Davis, who
>ultimately had two later editions done by small
>Q: Tim Leary suggested that your book was originally
>censored and pulped because of references to Mary
>Pinchot Meyer. Do you feel that way and can you tell
>us a little bit about Mary Meyer?
>A: Mary Pinchot Meyer was the sister of Ben Bradlee's
>second wife, Tony Pinchot. She was a very beautiful,
>talented artist who was living in Washington in the
>early '65 and she was the lover, I would say the
>principal lover, of John Kennedy, who was President of
>the United States. He was supposedly very much in love
>with her and wanted to divorce Jackie and marry her.
>The Timothy Leary connection is interesting because at
>that time in the early sixties there was a group of
>society-type women in Washington who thought that if
>they could get men in power involved in mind?altering
>drugs they could see the world in a different way and
>this would end the Cold War and end all warfare. It
>was a very ambitious plan and a lot of them got their
>marijuana and LSD from Timothy Leary, who at that time
>was a professor of psychology at Harvard and had
>access to these drugs. At that time were very
>experimental and they were going around in a lot of
>the elite circles. It didn't have the same connotation
>that it has today of the hard stuff, of the cocaine
>and the heroin. This was all very beautiful and
>mind-expanding type stuff. So she was involved with
>Kennedy and they used to supposedly smoke marijuana
>together in Kennedy's bedroom and I think Leary said
>that she also gave him LSD, although I couldn't swear
>to that.
>Anyway, she got murdered. She was murdered a year
>after Kennedy died. Kennedy was killed in November '63
>and Mary Meyer was killed in 1964. She was walking her
>dog in Georgetown through a wooded area and she was
>stabbed to death. And they never found the killer.
>Some young black man was put in jail for ten months,
>held over until his trial and then he was acquitted
>because there was no evidence. And they've never found
>the killer but people who have investigated the case
>say that it had all the earmarks of a professional
>assassination. [...]
>....your mileage may vary, of course....At any rate,
>GR seems to lament the murder of President Kennedy,
>and his death remains a dark day for more than a few
>of my generation, despite subsequent revisionist views
>of the man and the presidency.
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