NPPR Commentary Line 62
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper at
Fri Oct 3 04:07:31 CDT 2003
Since AF&AC have the duality of pharmakon: cure/poison,
they bring the sword that knights and that of Damocles,
both crown and the decapitation, hence always regicide.
Had I more literary breadth, I'd make a game of locating
five well-known authors correctly expositing AF/AC, and
14 more totalizing from a smaller subset of this gnosis.
My first bet would have been on Emily Dickinson, who calls
herself Queen of Calvary, but I see she lived 1830 to 1886.
Strangled and stabbed recalls Kafka's reflexive dualities
in _The Trial_, to which I had once likened Fairie Queene:
Need I point out clearly, his mouth is the den, filled by the tail
of the serpent, which tail is his penis? That he is the thousand
of the serpents' young that suck upon her poisonous dugs (breasts)?
That the penis is both knight's sword and serpent's sting, rending
his/her mouth to the shoulder as he strangles her, like Franz Kafka's
dualistic pair of executioners stab and throtle in The Trial.?
'Grep'ing strangl in my choicest directory also dragged up these:
...So that my soul chooseth strangling, and death rather than my
...strangled for his lionesses, and filled his holes with prey,
...of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and
...and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if
...and from strangled, and from fornication. - KJV
The sun-god smites Apophis ( Set ),
Tefnut as Isis ( Au-Set ) makes the demons fall down dead on
heaven's floor by speaking Her mystic words, and the armies
of gods and heroes strangle the remaining devils.
Ahi (Sanskrit) [from the verbal root anh to press together,
strangle] A serpent; in the Rig-Veda, the serpent of the
sky, also called Vritra, mythologically referred to as the
demon of darkness and drought who absorbed the cosmic
waters. Indra, god of the sky and rainmaker, battles with
Ahi and finally slays him, releasing the waters across the
land. Ahi is likewise a name of the sun; also of Rahu, the
ascending node of the moon and the daitya (demon) who
periodically "swallows" (eclipses) the sun and moon.
A.O.Spare: Truth seeks its own negation. Different aspects
are not the truth, nor are they necessary to truth. Of its
emanations which are you to strangle at birth?
Robert Burns: ... A garter which a babe had strangled: A
knife, a father's throat had mangled. Whom his ain son of
life bereft, The grey-hairs yet stack to the heft; Wi' mair
of horrible and awfu', Which even to name wad be unlawfu'.
Winwood Reade: round his neck was the collar of judgment
which would strangle him who delivered an unjust sentence;
on his finger was the ring of divination; in his hand was a
glittering blade.
The eagle's golden breakfast
Strangles them. - Dickinson
Heracles managed to kill the lion by strangling it
and then flayed it with its own claws.
Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
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