NPPF Faulkner and Proust (fwd)

Heikki Raudaskoski hraudask at
Fri Oct 10 02:23:07 CDT 2003

Hi all,

the message below to which Ghetta Life responded was meant
for all p-listers but as the included essay made it 11k big,
it wouldn't come through.

So I took the more or less dubious liberty to make it available
at my new site [which I created Tuesday night just to publish
the cornyish announcement...]:

It won't stay there long, so I ask those of you who want to check
it: do it soon.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu,  9 Oct 2003 23:24:11 +0300
From: hraudask at
To: Ghetta Life <ghetta_outta at>
Cc: jbor at, pynchon-l at
Subject: Re: NPPF Faulkner and Proust

Ghetta Life <ghetta_outta at>:
> This just goes to show that there's no accounting for taste, especially that
> of a snob.  IMHO WF's work is far superior to that of VN.

Personally, I wouldn't say "far superior", but I do love, say, _Absalom,
Absalom!_ more than anything by VN and almost anything by anyone.

I can understand why VN disliked, e.g., Dostoevsky (whom I personally love
too) but not why he disliked WF - he did adore Kafka and Proust, remember. I
did suspect VN admired WF before I learned that the opposite is true.

Tangentially to the thread, here's what I found from the EBSCOHOST database
when visiting the university after work today - a summary of an essay by
*someone* from Beckett's backyard having second thoughts about VN....for
reasons that may be somewhat questionable too (best, Heikki):

........the essay......................................

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