FWD: Dog "Adolf"

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at verizon.net
Thu Oct 16 16:34:13 CDT 2003

On Thu, 2003-10-16 at 16:37, KXX4493553 at aol.com wrote:
> The Guardian - Luke Harding in Berlin  
> A German who trained his dog to raise his right paw in a Hitler salute is to 
> appear in court tomorrow, German prosecutors said last night.  
> The black mongrel sheepdog, called Adolf, is alleged to have performed the 
> trick at his master's request in front of two policemen in March last year.  
> The officers were called in to question the man - identified only as 
> 54-year-old Roland T - after he raised his own right arm in a Hitler salute.  
> While the policemen were investigating, the owner turned to his dog and said: 
> "Adolf, sit. Make the greeting."  
> The man - who lives in Berlin - is also accused of wearing a T-shirt with a 
> picture of the Nazi dictator on several occasions, and of shouting Nazi 
> slogans.  
> A spokeswoman for Berlin criminal court yesterday said that Adolf, who has 
> big ears, would not be called as a witness.  
> It was too early to say whether Adolf's owner was mentally responsible for 
> his acts, she added. Nazi slogans and greetings are illegal in Germany, where 
> the Third Reich remains a touchy subject.  
> To get around code symbols within the neo-Nazi scene, the law also forbids 
> words or actions that can be interpreted as condoning Nazism - even ones 
> performed by a dog, the spokeswoman said.  
> If convicted, Adolf's owner faces three years in jail, officials confirmed.  
> He would also lose his dog, they added.  
> Last night Carola Ruff, of a Berlin animal welfare group, said it might be 
> possible to train Adolf to stop performing the salute "with a lot of love and 
> dog biscuits".  
> She told the Berliner Kurier: "Raising a paw is what dogs are born to do." 
> A picture of the dog:
> http://de.news.yahoo.com/031015/286/3p2fg.html
> kwp

I wonder if it's against the anti-Nazi-slogan law to find this story
exceedingly funny.


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