Village Vanguard October 21 - 26 (fwd)

lorentzen-nicklaus lorentzen-nicklaus at
Mon Oct 20 04:40:00 CDT 2003

 "ohne musik wäre das leben ein irrtum" -- 

---Ursprüngliche Nachricht---
From: <admin at>
To: <admin at>
Subject: Village Vanguard October 21 - 26

Hi, This is Dave Douglas,
inviting you to come on downstairs to hear the first performances of:

Dave Douglas - Word

featuring special guests:

Roswell Rudd	trombone
Andy Bey	voice & piano
Myron Walden	alto saxophone & bass clarinet
James Genus	bass
Clarence Penn	drums

October 21-26, 2003
at the Village Vanguard
178 Seventh Ave. South (below 11th St.), New York, NY
Tel:	212.255.4037
Tickets:	$25.00 on Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sun. (includes $15.00 
admission + $10 drink minimum) $30.00 on Fri. and Sat. (includes 
$20.00 admission + $10 drink minimum) Students:  $15.00 on Tues., 
Wed., Thurs., Sun. (2nd set only) (includes $15.00 admission + soft 
Set Times:	9:00 pm & 11:00 pm

Word - Grooving, probing, questioning, insisting, passionate, 
humorous new settings of poems by Beckett, Kunitz, Rich, Brooks, 
Kerouac and Basho.
Featuring the legendary voice of Andy Bey, stellar trombonist Roswell 
Rudd, the incisive alto of Myron Walden, and the ever-captivating 
rhythm team of James Genus and Clarence Penn. These songs open an 
exciting new page in Dave's career as a composer.

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