FWD: Manifesto Against Labour

KXX4493553 at aol.com KXX4493553 at aol.com
Mon Oct 27 13:00:49 CST 2003

Gruppe Krisis

Manifesto Against Labour (1998/99)

1. The rule of dead labour

A corpse rules society - the corpse of labour. All powers around the 
globe formed an alliance to defend its rule: the Pope and the World 
Bank, Tony Blair and Jörg Haider, trade unions and entrepreneurs, 
German ecologists and French socialists. They don't know but one 
slogan: jobs, jobs, jobs! 

Whoever still has not forgotten what reflection is all about, will 
easily realise the implausibility of such an attitude. The society 
ruled by labour does not experience any temporary crisis; it 
encounters its absolute limit. In the wake of the micro-electronic 
revolution, wealth production increasingly became independent from 
the actual expenditure of human labour power to an extent quite 
recently only imaginable in science fiction. No one can seriously 
maintain any longer that this process can be halted or reversed. 
Selling the commodity labour power in the 21st century is as 
promising as the sale of stagecoaches has proved to be in the 20th 
century. However, whoever is not able to sell his or her labour power 
in this society is considered to be "superfluous" and will be 
disposed of on the social waste dump...

continues at: www.krisis.org - English.

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