Maybe NP, maybe not: an inquiry

Cyrus cyrusgeo at
Wed Oct 29 14:27:19 CST 2003

It has happened in the past, as a quick search on the web will convince 
you. Of course, whether that law is still in effect or not is another 
matter. Any law students around here?


ghetta_outta at wrote:

> Well since you're the one making this claim, don't you think you 
> should be able to verify it?  I've never heard anything of the sort.  
> And it would be very press-worthty if it had, so I've reason to doubt 
> it's true.
>> From: Heikki Raudaskoski <hraudask at>
>> It was news to him when I told him that it has happened every now and 
>> then in the U.S. history that people have been arrested for reading 
>> the constitution in public. Does anyone happen to know of a list of 
>> these arrests?
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