VLVL 4: War, politics and love

Otto ottosell at yahoo.de
Mon Sep 1 07:08:40 CDT 2003

No trouble with the rant, Mark.

What's wrong with economical emigration is that the people might be needed
in their home countries for building up infrastructure.

There's nothing wrong with the Turks and their families who have been
invited to Germany in the early sixties, but I think that the refugees from
the Balkan-wars (for example) should return to their countries because
there's important work to be done there.

I also think that the Iraquis who had fled the Hussein-regime should return
home now, especially *because* they have lived in democratic "environments"
and could now become important members of the political structures at home.

I don't like that "both sides"-argument (which by way always comes up in
talking about wars regardless the detailed reasons behind those wars)
because the Vietnamese were defending their country and the US-soldiers were
just invaders. After the defeat of the corrupt South Vietnam regime people
who had worked "for the enemy" of course had to fear revenge, and the
Americans left many of their former employees behind.

I have equated people from Vietnam who had worked the US and went to
Australia, America and Europe (for what reasons whatever) to Germans who
went to Southern America. Their story of the Vietnam War is naturally
different from the historical facts like those the former nazis tell, who
claim that there never has been a Holocaust and that the Deutsche Wehrmacht
was only honourable and never has committed war crimes.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Wright AIA" <mwaia at yahoo.com>
To: <pynchon-l at waste.org>
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2003 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: VLVL 4: War, politics and love

> Howdy
> --- Otto <ottosell at yahoo.de> wrote:
> > I'm sorry but these people naturally tell things only from their
> > point of
> > view which isn't, given the fact that they've left Vietnam, very
> > objective.
> > Many of the so-called "boat people" over here aren't refugees (except
> > the
> > ones who worked for the corrupt government or the US-troops) but came
> > for
> > economical reasons. I wouldn't base my knowledge of WW-2 on tales of
> > Germans
> > who went to Argentina or Paraguay.
> What in heaven's name is wrong with emigration for economic reasons? It
> is probably the *best* reason to want to emigrate. If you are hungry
> you go where your stomach tells you to go. And why would you only want
> to hear the witness of those who *won* a war?
> It is weird to equate, as you do here, economic refugees with escaped
> Nazis. Bleedin' weird, is what that is. And freekin' creepy. I'm sorry,
> but it just *is*.
> Can't you imagine that the North Vietnamese regime might have been, by
> any definition, at least as "corrupt" as the regime in the south?
> Heavens. What kind of suck did you have to have to get rice for your
> pot in Hanoi? There are poor and powerful everywhere. Wake up and rub
> your eyes. It was a horrible time, with wicked criminal sh** being done
> on both sides.
> "So-called 'boat-people'" indeed. How about 'so-called "guest
> workers"'? Too many people with funny names in Germany these days?
> Pardon the rant...
> Mark

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