VLVL (6) Brock

Mike Weaver mikeweaver at gn.apc.org
Sat Sep 27 15:10:31 CDT 2003

>   Why judge them? It's a waste of time.

So what have you been doing in relation to Zoyd and his neighbours, to Hub 
and Sasha? Wasting our time with verbiage? I wasn't referring to some court 
of last appeal ("he's a bum, pass me the black cap")
Don  asked if we agree that "the author disapproves of Brock Vond's 
conduct? " You saying Don's in the same canoe?

>   You've got to identify the implied author of the text. Not too hard to
>   do.

On past experience only as long as one agrees with what the author is saying.

>   You're up shits creek w/o a paddle, Mike.

And you're all over the road without a gear stick.

>   Maybe the allegorical approach?
>   Try BV = Death

Try BV as the control freak father, Frenesi the abused daughter

This is our man Tom -the master of the multilayered narrative, probably 
room for several levels, which is important to you?

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