VLVL (6) Sasha

Mike Weaver mikeweaver at gn.apc.org
Sun Sep 28 05:54:03 CDT 2003

Rob wrote:
>Frenesi recalls Sasha defending the way she had sold out on her own ideals
>during WWII (75.12-16),

>  From being involved with "the
>anticonscription movement at Berkeley" (77.15) Sasha began to undergo a
>change of heart when the war actually began (77.22), and finally ended up
>marrying a soldier boy, "Electrician's Mate Third Class Hubbell Gates".

There was a whole generation of left wingers like Sasha who swung behind 
the war effort after initially opposing it. The knowledge we now have of 
the evils of the Nazi ideology and atrocities of Stalin's rule was not 
available at the time. Initially the war was seen as a fight between 
capitalists. Loyalty to the (aspirations of the) Soviet Union on the part 
of many meant that they accepted that line,  until June 1941 when Hitler 
opened up the Eastern Front. Other socialists, like Sasha, changed their 
attitude when they realised the enormity of the Nazi threat.
Do you really find significance in her finally ending up marrying a soldier?

I think that you and Terrance both want to define Frenesi's betrayal as 
comparable to her parents changes of attitude, hence your emphasis on them 
'turning' and 'selling out'.  I think P is doing the opposite, highlighting 
their qualitative differences. Sasha and Hub simply adapted to new 
circumstances - Frenesi completely changed sides.
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