NPPR Line 143 a clockwork toy

Mary Krimmel mary at
Sat Sep 27 22:30:15 CDT 2003

At 11:40 AM 9/27/03 -0400, you [Michael Joseph] wrote:

...Also trad symbol of one's life in time (burning one's candle at both 
ends = hastening the end of
>one's life); life like a flame on a candle (nursery rhyme, for example,
>"here comes a candle to light you to bed/Here comes a chopper to chop off
>your head;"  perhaps Jack jumping over the candlestick is another image of
>the atemporal, the flame jumping off the wick, as, for example, at the end
>of Katzenzakis's ODYSSEY: A MODERN SEQUEL; and famous line from Othello
>"put out the light and then put out the light" or, alternately, "put out
>the light and then put out her light");...

And the famous half-line from Macbeth "Out, out, brief candle!".

Thanks to Glenn Scheper for the Lychnos of Revelation. But Kinbote saw a 
candlestick, not a candle. There is no reason to suppose that Kinbote meant 
"candle". Nor is there reason to suppose that VN meant "candle", although 
he may have (probably did) intend the word to suggest a candle, a light 
gone out, etc.

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