
MalignD at aol.com MalignD at aol.com
Wed Apr 7 16:55:29 CDT 2004

> <<Whether america can be characterized  by the word fascism  is far more 
> complex than your arguments admit.>>
I think the argument as it is here is pretty simple, the same one had during 
the discussion of the intro to 1984; i.e., the often fast and loose use of the 
word fascism, as if there were no difference between Pol Pot and John 
Ashcroft.   Make the word broad enough and your boss is a fascist, your wife is a 
fascist, you're a fascist.   (I'm not a fascist, however.)

The Soup Nazi on Seinfeld was similar--a soup store proprietor compared to 
someone sending Jews to a gas chamber (if, ouf course, one is clown enough to 
get worked up over the soup nazi).
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