The State of VLVL2

Toby G Levy tobylevy at
Sat Apr 10 06:28:53 CDT 2004

I say let Terrance post his analysis of the last section of Vineland and
let Dave and Tim post their analysis of their sections whenver they have
the opportunity. Is it really that important that this is done
sequentially?  I for one am very interested in seeing what Terrence has
to say about the conclusion to Vineland.


> Date: Fri, 09 Apr 2004 17:37:06 -0400
> From: Terrance <lycidas2 at>
> Subject: Re: The State of VLVL2 (WAS Re: VLVL2  Fascism)
> Notice that  I used the pronoun "WE" because "WE" is used by the 
> or writer to indicate the speaker or writer along with another or 
> as the subject: We never gave the novel a chance. I never pointed
> fingers. I complained because we failed. Not you. Not Dave. Not me. 
> We failed. I asked the List if I could change the schedule and host 
> end of the novel this week (Spring Break). You indicated that you 
> prefer it if WE backed up and addressed some of the chapters and issues
> we neglected. Dave Monroe said he would host his section this week.  We
> failed because we didn't do anything constructive at all. No one is  to
> blame, Tim. We all recognize that life is far more important than
> cyber-life and that the majority here have very full calendars.  That
> being the case, we have to accept failure from time to time. I  won't
> have a chance to host again. Too bad. I did a lot of work for  nothing.
> So it goes. 

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