re Pynchon, the Beats & "conservative American Values"

pynchonoid pynchonoid at
Mon Apr 12 17:58:31 CDT 2004

No need to get your panties in a knot, T, just because
Pynchon is too big and complex to fit in your box.

Perhaps you mean that Pynchon is conserving the values
of the American Transcendentalists? If so, I'll buy
that.  If not, I join others here in asking, if you
want to make Pynchon a defender of "conservative
American values", please define your terms. Which
American values would he be conserving, in your view,
and, where and how do you see Pynchon defending such
values?   Please be specific, and deal with the texts,
and the known facts of his biography (his bohemian
existence during at least the first half of his life
after leaving home, for example) if you can.


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