Pynchon's interview with David Hajdu

Malignd malignd at
Fri Apr 23 14:48:51 CDT 2004

<<Hey-Zeus Crisco!  A little early for the 2004 Summer
Semantic Games, init it?  Of course, seein' as yr all
yer lit'rary types, y'ain't not never seen, say, a via
satellite interview on the teevee, nor read an e-mail
interview, nor ... well, yr e-lecktronick media have
rather done a number or three on the notion of
"meeting," no?  Er, yes.  Bleedin' logocentrists ...>>

I'm not sure it's entirely semantic.

If I sit down with you (say) and, in the moment pose
questions and receive answers, there's more lost than
gained I think in calling that the same event as my
emailing you a list of questions and waiting for your
responses to be emailed back.  The first is certainly
an interview, a face-to-face conversation; the second
is a form of correspondence.  One may call it an
"email interview," but that naming hides more
differences than it corrals similarities.

And, as the subject here is Pynchon--who is famously
too much a loon apparently, to meet anyone unknown to
him in person--the terms matter.

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