Sterne, Pynchon, Rushdie & "hysterical realism"

pynchonoid pynchonoid at
Fri Apr 23 22:27:45 CDT 2004

[...] Tristram Shandy, for instance, is in
multifarious ways a marvellous book, but it is written
in a tone of such constant high-pitched zaniness, such
deliberate "liveliness", that one finds oneself
screaming at it to calm down a bit. The "hysterical
realism" of such contemporary writers as Pynchon and
Rushdie is the modern version of Sterne's perpetual
excitements and digressions. [...] 


Laughing matters 

James Wood traces the roots of humour and argues that
tragi-comedy was invented by the modern novel 

Saturday April 24, 2004
The Guardian


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