Pynchon as "recluse"

Craig Smith neoclassical at
Wed Apr 28 17:36:27 CDT 2004

> I've been watching a lot of TV 

I'm sorry.

> related to 9-11 and the
> War on Iraq in recent weeks, and I don't recall seeing
> many fiction writers -- not even the most famous --
> popping up as a talking head to discuss war and peace.

Salman Rushdie might be an exception, although I'm not sure if he was on TV or in print. He seems to have made some statements. Then again, as one of the few Westerners (if that word even applies) targetted by name by Islamic fundamentalist republics, it is possible he is being interviewed in that role and perhaps not his "writer" role.

Didn't Pynchon say something apocalyptic about the criminals who've ruled this country since 1943, and at some point, that there was little hope left?

Is he counting down to 2012 as well? ;)

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