VLVL2 (15): Exiled Royalty

Craig Smith neoclassical at mail.com
Wed Apr 28 17:45:00 CDT 2004

> In Pynchon's stories it is the disaffected and
> disinherited with whom he sympathizes. These
> characters usually have some connection with the Old,
> the sacred, the magical. The disinheritors are usually
> the hollow men allied with the New, the profane, the
> rational. They are usually governed by some soulless
> automatic principle: behaviorism, thermodynamics,
> profit maximization, or non-violent
> conflict-resolution process. 

Sounds almost like Faulkner.

> The Old value culture;
> the New confuse it with mass civilization. The Old
> have room for personal idiosyncrasies; the New shrink
> them away. The Old "are hanging in there with what
> must seem a terrible vitality"; the New are alienated
> from their human nature with atrophying individual and
> enervating social consequences.

I think to understand this requires an understanding of what Aristocracy meant before money took over all value in the "West."

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