Pynchon and the Subway

a l elviscoturbio at
Thu Apr 29 06:49:38 CDT 2004

davemarc and MalignD-- remember, too, the northeastern blackout cutting 
urban power grids, leaving some stranded in pitch black subway tunnels, 
others in elevators, still others to empty the skyscrapers at quitting time 
and fill the streets with their wandering wonder and disorientation.  
Electrical power outage is not the direct threat and inspired fear to which 
Pynchon is referring in the interview, but he is implying a claustrophobia 
of the subway and elevator car supended or buried in complete darkness, 
crammed with bodies.  The lack of control of one's immediate personal space 
in Manhattan after 9/11 brought about this lingering intensification of 
claustrophobia... let's not even mention the ultimate claustrophobia of 
being crushed in the suddenly spaceless implosion of two of the world's 
biggest skyscrapers that contributed to heightening the fear of suffocation. 
-- elvisco

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