Tim Strzechowski Dedalus204 at
Fri Aug 6 16:58:11 CDT 2004

You're a rich one.

I said I was interested, which (to me, at least) entails hosting.  But I'll
host when it's convenient for me to do so.  How 'bout putting up a hosting
schedule so we can all figure out what and when.

You seem to be a man with a lot of grandoise ideas, but you're unwilling to
put in the grunt work to actually get it moving.  By your own admission, a
lot of people have expressed interest (see below).  What more do you need, a
Loyalty Oath?

Stop predicting how we'll all bail on you, just so you can have an excuse to
bitch about the list and how no one will do anything.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Terrance" <lycidas2 at>
Cc: <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 3:35 PM
Subject: Re: GR III RSVP

> Otto won't host.
> Ghetta Life won't host.
> Dave Monroe won't host.
> Peter Fellows-McCully won't host
> Tim S. won't host.
> All may change their minds later.
> Scott B.?
> Joe allby?
> Richard Romeo?
> Robert J.?
> KFL?
> MalignD?
> Pynchonoid?
> Paul M.?
> Davemark?
> David Christensen?
> Cyrus?
> Charles F. Albert?
> Sangkug Yi?
> Kurt?
> Sims?
> Ian?
> Barbara?
> Bekah?
> Brett Coley?
> Please let us know if you can host.
> Committed to Hosting.
> Joseph B. will host.
> Terrance will host.
> Christ will host.

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