MMV: Context

Otto ottosell at
Fri Aug 20 09:22:08 CDT 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Keith McMullen" <keithsz at>
To: "Pynchon Shitlist" <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 7:17 AM
Subject: Re: MMV: Context

> >>>It's an interesting story. Obviously worth reading and
> discussing as part of the Pynchonian oeuvre and in its
> own right.  I expect that Pynchon made a conscious
> decision not to include it in Slow Learner and I don't
> presume to know why he made that choice.<<<
> Maybe he didn't want to spoil a collection of sophomoric, shitty
> stories with an interesting one.

As I said:
> "Maybe, but this is speculation too, it is left out of "Slow
> Learner" because it is spared for a later collection of
> stories he considers to be better."

But I've heard rumours that this way of answering Rob's
speculation by using the "opposite" speculation was kinda
brain-numbingly perverse.

> So low is Pynchon's regard for it that the story is not mentioned -- let
> alone included -- in the collection of his early stories published as
> _Slow Learner_ (1984). Pynchon describes the stories that have been
> included in that collection as "pretentious, goofy and ill-considered"
> (4); it's safe to say that he believed that 'MMV' is even worse.

My main point is of course directed against this "it's safe to say" which
kills any further discussion. What I'd like to see from someone who is
giving such a harsh judgement are some arguments.

I don't even claim that it's a good story although I liked it better than
any other story from SL except "The Secret Integration" according 
to my personal taste. What I like about the ending is that the formerly 
colonised are coming to haunt us.


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