LPPM MMV "A Divine Melancholia"
Dave Monroe
monropolitan at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 20 15:01:54 CDT 2004
"It seemed she had this habit of picking up male
specimens wherever she went and bringing them back
with her and dropping them after a few weeks. [...]
But Irving Loon, she insisted, was different. He had
this brooding James Dean quality about him.
"'He's been standing in the same corner all
evening,' she said. 'He hasn't spoken a word for two
days. [...] But it's a divine melancholia and it's
what I love about him.'
"Good grief, that was it.
"Melancholia. Just by accident she had used that
word, the psychologist's term, instead of
'melancholy.' ...." (MMV, pp. 8-9)
James Dean
"a divine melancholia"
Main Entry: mel·an·cho·lia
Pronunciation: "me-l&n-'kO-lE-&
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Late Latin, melancholy
: a mental condition characterized by extreme
depression, bodily complaints, and often
hallucinations and delusions; especially : a
manic-depressive psychosis
"a divine melancholia" = "good grief" ...
Cf., e.g., ...
"'Go ahead, but don't expect me to ascend wearily out
of my Melancholia just so ev'rybody else can have
their own idea of a good time ...'" (M&D, p. 272)
And see, esp., ...
Burton, Robert. The Anatomy of Melancholy.
Ed. Holbrook Jackson. New York: NYRB Books,
2001 [1621].
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