MMV: Windigo

Dave Monroe monropolitan at
Tue Aug 24 15:11:20 CDT 2004

Yeah, my problem is not only that it's a waste of time
and/or, here, diversionary tactic to bicker over
"good" and "bad," we're here 'cos it's Pynchon, "good"
OR "bad," but, in Robert's case, I see no reason to
badmouth King, much less for an argument he didn't
make, i.e., that MMV is a "good" story.  What it is,
at least for some of us, and certainly for Eddins,
King, with all the critics whose readings thereof he
critiques, et al., is an interesting one.  
Maybe Robt. writes the equation "interesting" =
"good," but that's in his case to ignore a
couple/three decades at LEAST of floweringly fruitful
lit'rary critrical discourse equivocating the
erstwhile equation "good" = "interesting" = "Capital-L
Lit'rachure."  Okay, back to "Togetherness" ...

--- Otto <ottosell at> wrote:
> My problem is Rob's unbearable arrogance: "it's a
> brain-numbingly perverse argument"
> Nobody has said something similar about any of his
> opinions ...

Up to an including me, though his
(well-enough-written, albeit pedantic) prose ...

> but he's the one who complains about "constant
> sniping" but is the only sniper himself.

Not the only one, I mean, recall who yr responsding to
as well, and I've certainly been known to snap on the
scope myself once in a while, but, at least I don't
get all schoolmarmy over it.  Okay, NOW back to ...

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