NP "I've seen things..."

Richard Romeo r.romeo at
Thu Aug 26 15:11:54 CDT 2004

Lots of great lines in The Thing (80s version)

Clarke:  I don't know what's in there but it's really weird and pissed
off (or words to that effect)

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-pynchon-l at [mailto:owner-pynchon-l at] On
Behalf Of C. F. Albert
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 4:20 PM
To: pynchon-l at
Subject: Fwd: Re: NP "I've seen things..."

I'm with Katz on The Thing......though I actually favor the re-make.

>Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 16:09:15 -0400
>To: "Ghetta Life" <ghetta_outta at>
>From: "C. F. Albert" <calbert at>
>Subject: Re: NP "I've seen things..."
>I'd ruin it......but fear ants.....plain vanilla little ants......
>If you can find it on video, trust me.....the mood is very much like
>remake of The Thing
>(another conspicuous absence, btw) - that unmistakable sense of
>At 11:14 AM 8/26/2004, you wrote:
>>It's really hard to limit this kind of list to only 10, and let's not 
>>even try to rate them against each other. They are so different from
>>I think we'd have to come up with sub-categories to do them 
>>justice.   But I've never heard of Phase4.  Can you tell me more about
>>>From: charles f albert <calbert at>
>>>Terminator 1 and 2 and no Boy and His Dog?
>>>Matrix, Close Encounters - but no Andromeda Strain, or Phase4?
>>>At 07:33 AM 8/26/2004, you wrote:
>>>>Our expert panel votes for the top 10 sci-fi films:
>>>>1. Blade Runner (1982) Dir: Ridley Scott
>>>>2. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Dir: Stanley Kubrick
>>>>3. Star Wars (1977)/Empire Strikes Back (1980)
>>>>4. Alien (1979) Dir: Ridley Scott
>>>>5. Solaris (1972) Dir: Andrei Tarkovsky
>>>>6. Terminator (1984)/T2: Judgment day (1991) Dir: James Cameron
>>>>7. The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) Dir: Robert Wise
>>>>8. War of the Worlds (1953) Dir: Byron Haskin
>>>>9. The Matrix (1999) Dir: Andy & Larry Wachowski
>>>>10. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) Dir: Steven Spielberg
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