star wars? homo

Ghetta Life ghetta_outta at
Fri Aug 27 09:19:08 CDT 2004

I read the book before the movie was made, back when I was in high school.  
I thought the book was very good, but God knows I might not feel the same if 
I were to read it today.  The movie was very well done and kept close to the 
book, but I remember thinking the book was better than the film...


>From: joeallonby <vze422fs at>
>I saw the Andromeda Strain in the theatre when it came out. I still recall
>the dead body of the woman standing up on the stairs. (Lynch borrowed the
>image for the dead cop in Blue Velvet.) They slit her wrist open and copper
>red powder poured out. I haven't seen the movie since I was a little kid. I
>still remember that image. I read the book as an adult. But that scene 
>defines the story in some ways for me. It was a powerful piece of imaagery.

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