VLVL Frenesi and Weed

jbor jbor at bigpond.com
Wed Feb 11 04:48:18 CST 2004

>> Not that we're up to that section of the text yet, but the fact that Weed
>> had the option of being reincarnated as Prairie (364-5) would suggest the
>> exact opposite of this, wouldn't it?
> If you are taking Weed at his word he had the option, but he's still in
> denial, more so at the time of Prairie's conception.

I guess it's possible that the conversation between Weed and Prairie on pp.
364-5 is totally irrelevant. Of course, the fact remains that Frenesi
(245-6), Brock (240), DL (259-61), Rex (247), Prairie (261) and Weed
(364-5), as well as the vast majority of readers of the novel, take it for
granted that Frenesi betrays Weed. I still can't see any basis in the text
for the opposite assertion.


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