VLVL the collapse of the Youth Movement

Terrance lycidas2 at earthlink.net
Sun Feb 22 13:57:48 CST 2004

> >
> > Brock is a United States Attorney, a federal prosecutor with
> > almost unimagineable power and resources compared with
> > Frenesi. He, or people like him, have made the the life of the
> > Gates family miserable for as long as Frenesi can recall, and
> > still have Sasha under surveillance. They can pop her anytime
> > they want to, like Zoyd gets popped.
> >
> I agree, but of course especially because of her family history I cannot
> understand fully her fondness of men in uniforms.

Frenesi never figures it out. Her Mother never does. DL gets close, but 
can't quite bring her self to say it. Of course, she has "Uniform" 
issues of her own, Moody--the key to her relationship with Frenesi. 

But why focus on Frenesi's attraction to men in uniform? 

Zoyd is attracted to Men in Uniform too. 

In fact, lots of the characters in VL are attracted to "uniforms" or men
or women wearing them or Brandishing weapons, driving powerful machines
(DL & Isaiah 2:4). 

Why do the Pisks, Eliot X, Vietnamese Bitch, etc.,   wear Uniforms? 

The desperate attempt by the young in this novel to Regain a sense of
Rightness in this world by means inimical to both the young and those
close to them (the Life force) exposes a mechanism--namely, the
compulsive identification of a people, whose "tribal" integrity has been
destroyed, with the destroyer and his methods of destruction.

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