Maybe, perhaps, who knows, scalping Lord Lepton
umberto rossi
teacher at
Fri Jul 2 12:19:37 CDT 2004
In data 2 Jul 2004, verso le 8:07, pynchonoid si trovò a scrivere su
Re: MDDM Scalping Lord Lepton:
> Perhaps the same kind of "Business" that brought them
> the saddle and European clothes in the first place --
> either bloody (they removed the items forcibly from
> people who were otherwise unwilling to part with them)
> or in an exchange of goods.
You have the Chinese who might be something else because nobody has
seen a Chinese yet when he appears. Later he tells the Surveyors that
he's not a Chinese but might be Father Zarpazo himself. Then Stig,
the Hyperborean who pretends to be a Swede. So what should we think
of Catfish? Clothes are easy to steal and wear but the Birt accent
takes time to imitate... but if Catfish is not what he seems, what
should we think of his story? Not to mention the fact that the man
who tells the story is an untrustworthy remembrancer, imbecile with
While I guess that the matter of exchange is the really promising
trail... what happens when Indians adopt rifles? That is the
question, much more than "who was the original owner".
umberto rossi
"A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My libido"
umberto rossi
"A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My libido"
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