Pynchon and WAS Re: NP Michael Moore

pynchonoid pynchonoid at
Sun Jul 11 21:46:40 CDT 2004

> self-serving propagandist and hypocrite
> rhetoric, selective moral
> > absolutism, hatred of opponents, and innate
> conservatism
> myth-making and hypocrisies
> double standards 

.... and there you have the Bush-hugging
neoconservadroid trollmeister j-bird in a nutshell.

Yeah, I'll bet those Iraqis at Abu Ghraib and
elsewhere were thrilled to be tortured and killed by
Americans instead of Saddam's thugs. And look at the
brilliant results of the rubble-bouncing feel-good war
on Afghanistan that jbor championed in this forum: 
outside Kabul opium production has risen above pre-US
invasion levels, Taliban-style oppression of women in
full swing, warlords tearing the country apart, Osama
bin Laden still not smoked out of his hole.

No takers on morphing this thread to encompass
Pynchon's anti-Bush (Vineland, Intro to _1984_),
anti-fascist (all of them) texts? 

As mentioned earlier, Gravity's Rainbow contains many
passages and story elements that deal with propaganda
and the way that the messages of government propaganda
filter out into news reporting,
movies, music, etc. to keep people willing to die for
the War that Never Ends. 

Like Fox News and the other networks, Moore selects
his facts, quotes, film and video clips, analytic and
interpretative elements,  and strings them together
them to tell his story -- not that different from GR's
story of WWII, after all, in several important ways,
although GR is far to complex to boil down to a story
as simple as Moore's -- of how the US came to be in
Iraq, sacrificing US soldiers and mercenaries,
killing, maiming, and terrifying innocent Iraqi
civilians, so that corrupt government leaders can
maintain power and help their fat-cat cronies gorge
themselves on war profits, blood money. 

"everything connects"

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