NP Michael Moore

William Jones william_b_jones at
Mon Jul 12 08:32:02 CDT 2004

I should probably preface this by apologising to everyone for extending yet 
again what has become a very dull thread, but this is getting ridiculous...

>From: jbor <jbor at>
>To: <pynchon-l at>
>Subject: Re: NP Michael Moore
>Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 15:12:55 +1000
>Perhaps there's something in the index of logical fallacies which can
>explain the doublethink behind the argument which on the one hand admits
>that Moore does pump out propaganda and deceit -- excusing it on the basis
>that it's all only a jolly "satire" after all -- and at the same time
>demands that that same propaganda and deceit be given credence as reliable
>political critique in the context of the forthcoming U.S. election.

Ok, I'm not sure I can say it more eloquently than other people on the list 
have already done, but I'll try again. Moore has selected certain facts and 
presented them in a manner which leads him to a certain conclusion (not 
lied, as no litigation has been forthcoming). He is a journalist and it is 
his perogative to do so. On the other hand, we have a GOVERNMENT which 
repeatedly LIED (knowingly or not) and decieved the people. The report 
submitted by the congressional hearing (not to mention the UK inquiries by 
Lords Hutton and Butler, and the interview in which Colin Powell coceded 
their claims concerning WMD were false) demonstrate that the peoples of the 
western world were lied to on a truly breathtaking scale. Not only therefore 
is the scale of the deception larger (Moore is after all, only making a 
film, not starting a war in which thousands died) but also, can I really be 
the only person who believes we demand higher standards of truth and probity 
from our government?

The other points made in this email have been pretty comprehensively knocked 
by cleverer people than me, so can we please move onto something more 
interesting than flogging this very dead horse.



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