Mortality & Mercy available? (was Re: alternatives)

Mark Wright AIA mwaia at
Tue Jul 13 06:35:42 CDT 2004

Mortality and Mercy is not anthologized in Slow Learner. I have a
little pamphlet copy I bought back in 1980. Is the story widely (or
legally) available to the list? 

--- umberto rossi <teacher at> wrote:
> In data 12 Jul 2004, verso le 14:20, Dave Monroe si trovò a scrivere 
> su Re: alternatives:
> >  But as some
> > of you have already struck up some conversation on
> > "MMV," why not get taht going in earnest, at least
> > while we puzzle out what more extensive work to take
> > up next?
> That might be a nice temporary engagement while we make a decision on
> the Next Big Read.
> umberto rossi
> ___________________
> 		"A mulatto
> 		An albino
> 		A mosquito
> 		My libido"

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