The next group read?

Jasper Fidget jasper at
Tue Jul 13 11:01:57 CDT 2004

Moby Dick

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-pynchon-l at [mailto:owner-pynchon-l at] On
> Behalf Of Ghetta Life
> Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 11:35 AM
> To: cwleise at; pynchon-l at
> Subject: RE: The next group read?
> >From: cwleise at
> >
> >At any rate, although I'm new to the list, I'd also like to throw my
> weight
> >behind _The Recognitions_.  If I'm not mistaken, the 50th anny of its
> >publication is this coming March, so it seems a (somewhat) timely choice.
> >Beyond that, I'e be personally well served to read it again...
> This makes three so far for _The Recognitions_.  I've never read it, but
> as
> Otto says, it's a long book.  Let's keep the suggestions rolling, along
> with
> any seconds, thirds, etc.  and see where that takes us.  We might be
> better
> of with something less ambitious.
> Ghetta
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