the next group read?
Dave Monroe
monropolitan at
Thu Jul 15 11:43:14 CDT 2004
Sorry, Tim, but that way lies madness, at least for me
... I'll go along with whatever, up to and including
(but not much beyond) Been Down So Long, Looks Like Up
to Me (but maybe not quite as far as The
Recognitions--I mean, there IS a Gaddis list, at least
a few of you are also on that one anyway). But today
through the weekend will be busier than yesterday for
me now, so ... well, not like I don't check in ... but
I'm still lobbying for the intros and/or essays ...
--- Tim Strzechowski <Dedalus204 at> wrote:
> Is it possible (or preferable) to establish a GRGR
> hosting schedule in the usual two-week sections, but
> also have one essay or intro discussion run
> concurrently (two separate hosts each fortnight)?
> If we could run a VLVL and PFNP (or whatever it was
> called) simultaneously . . .
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