wait, there's more

Richard Romeo r.romeo at atlanticphilanthropies.org
Fri Jul 16 09:02:15 CDT 2004

Is pynchon gonna appear again on the simpsons?


Basketball stars LeBron James and Yao Ming, football star Warren Sapp
and figure skating champion Michelle Kwan will be guest voices on "The
Simpsons"' post-Super Bowl episode, FOX announced today. The storyline
of "Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass," has Homer Simpson inadvertently
performing a wild crowd-pleasing dance at a local carnival, then being
hired by several sports stars to choreograph their victory dances. After
his dances prove successful, he is hired to choreograph the Super Bowl
halftime show, which he and neighbor Ned Flanders turn into a
non-violent, deeply meaningful show the American public chastises for
its blatant display of decency, according to a FOX statement.

The episode will air following FOX's coverage of Super Bowl XXXIX Feb.
6. Ray Romano, Kim Catrall, James Caan, Joe Mantegna, rapper 50 Cent,
architect Frank Gehry and author Thomas Pynchon are among other
individuals who will be guest voices during the coming season, FOX




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