Daily Affirmation ...

joeallonby vze422fs at verizon.net
Mon Jul 19 01:05:34 CDT 2004

on 7/18/04 11:41 PM, Joseph S. Barrera III at joe at barrera.org wrote:

> joeallonby wrote:
>> Wait. Isn't this from one of the later Planet of the Apes movies.
> I thought it was from the first one.
> - Joe
I think you're right. I just seem to remember a lot of pseudo-biblical
scripture being quoted in "Battle for ..." or "Conquest of...". If I have my
chronology correct, I went "Planet of the Apes", "Beneath the Planet of the
Apes" (the best in my opinion), "Escape from the Planet of the Apes",
"Conquest of the Planet of the Apes", and finally "Battle for the Planet of
the Apes". The last one had all the references to the phony ape bible.

But the original quote was from Doctor Zaius in the first one.


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