NP? article re George W. Bush

umberto rossi teacher at
Tue Jul 20 04:42:27 CDT 2004

In data 16 Jul 2004, verso le 7:55, pynchonoid si trovò a scrivere su 
NP? article re George W. Bush:

>  I am not interested in George W. Bush's corporeal being but rather in
> his flatness and in the way that his obvious deficiencies are "spun" by
> supposedly disinterested media pundits. Bush's estrangement from the
> real -- evident in his unfamiliarity with geography, history, ordinary
> English syntax and semantics, and a fund of common knowledge -- stems
> from his own lack of reality. George W. Bush does not exist." 

Anybody who is knowledgeable with those two great US treatises on 
politics knows that--I mean P.K. Dick's The Penultimate Truth and The 

umberto rossi

		"A mulatto
		An albino
		A mosquito
		My libido"

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