New Article on M&D

umberto rossi teacher at
Wed Jul 21 03:56:11 CDT 2004

Sounds interesting...

Olster, Stacey Michele.
A "Patch of England, at a three-thousand-Mile Off-set"? Representing 
America in Mason & Dixon

Pynchon, Thomas. Mason & Dixon.
United States -- In literature.

Mason & Dixon's examination of America's origins is informed by a 
dual temporal perspective: that of the late eighteenth century during 
which the modern nation-state was conceived and the late twentieth 
century in which a globalized economy and rise of huge conglomerates 
have led critics to proclaim the era of the nation-state as over. 
With New World slavery jettisoning all notions of American 
exceptionalism, colonial faction preventing national consolidation, 
and the very shape of the earth making the actuality of America 
impossible to determine with any fixity, establishing what is 
American becomes an act of representation. Pynchon portrays that act 
as less a function of politics, as the colonists demanded, and more a 
question of aesthetics, as the pictorial mapping in which his 
surveyors engage illustrates.

umberto rossi

		"A mulatto
		An albino
		A mosquito
		My libido"

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