Hatchet Jobs

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 21 11:17:59 CDT 2004

<<His characters feature aspects specific to the Son of Man
and Christ ...>>

> Would that include Pudding?

Most definitely! What better than analsucking submission
to a sodomized black sadist to develop christ humility?
You find examples of the same in me, and in Baudelaire.
She is the dog yapping at the autofellator in _Carrion_;
and the dog yapping at the shepard at the portal told to
bit off the head of the snake found bitten into his mouth,
in Nietzsche's Zarathustra; and explains the tension of
Flange's wife when he goes away to his 42 inch Nerrisa,
which, I checked, is the size of a standing autofellator.
Islam calls that function the termagant (shedevil/shrew).

You want all sweetness and not judgment? Has not a tree
both branch and leaf in the light, yet root in the dark?

It was in an intense tantric period about '80 including
rimming my wife that I gained the double Target logo, a
pair of red dotted circles in my right palm, "the" mark;
and saw "666" as reticulated flesh marked on her breast.

The winnowing of lambs at Rev. seal 3 involved to reject
the whore-proffered sodomy, which exact event in my life
I find portrayed, down to the left hand position holding
the carnal scale of judgement, in Dali's _Metamorphosis_!


_Pynchon - Gravity's Rainbow Summary_
, inverted in the bowels of Katje Borgesius. Old Pudding mus
ls of Katje Borgesius. Old Pudding must pass through 7 antec
n the Holiest of chambers, Pudding looks at the debased Feas
nd bone, and has to consume Katje's excretions. First there 
Scuffling, finding signs of Katje in a doll with human hair.
ost of poor dead Brigadier Pudding recites a poem which begi
 by the E. coli bacteria in Katje's shit. She sits down to w
 Spirit, all right!) He and Katje see the terror for what it

 ... the (previously fictional) Schwarzkommando turn out to be
 "real"; Katje turns out to be the Mistress of the Night

_Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon_
he Other Order of Being, of Katje's being--the lifeless non-

_Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon_

 who dies in GR, to be sure?

 How for sure is for sure? We are told Brigadier Pudding dies
 of an e coli infection, but from the "other side" arranges
 some sort of message in the flames of the fireplace during
 Mexico's and Bodine's infamous alliterative dinner menu. So
 I would say the Brigadier is dead, even if not nonexistent.

_Untitled Document_
eaders who, like Brigadier Pudding, expect a simpler narrati
 and memorised? Not Ernest Pudding - that's for the New Chap
the New Chaps [...] Ernest Pudding was brought up to believe

chon can give us Brigadier Pudding: Who can find his way abo
 and memorized? Not Ernest Pudding--that's for the New Chaps
meday be useful.... Ernest Pudding was brought up to believe
, when Pynchon's Brigadier Pudding, an octagenarian soldier,

_majorweather.com - Scatology and the Postmodern Subject_
er.| These include General Pudding's coprophilia in nightly 
 feces-eating episodes with Katje acting as Domina Nocturna,

_Thomas R. Pynchon: Spermatikos Logos_
War I relived by Brigadier Pudding in his masochistic, copra
copraphagic encounters with Katje at the White Visitation, t

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at + earthlink.net
Copyleft(!) Forward freely.

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